An Customizing Valentine's Day This Valentine's Day may find you at a romantic dinner or special event in Millsboro, Delaware. And most likely you'll get there in your tricked out truck. Because in the world of automotive enthusiasts, there is a unique and passionate love affair between truck owners and...
Ensure Great Success When Customizing Your Vehicle
A Guide to Finding a Reputable Aftermarket Customizer Shop Even through the 29th Annual Lewes British Motorcar Show isn't until May, you've already got your ticket. Because, you love a customized car and all that goes with it. And, personalizing your vehicle with aftermarket upgrades is an exciting venture. But,...
Customizing Your Ride? Avoid These 5 Mistakes
Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Customizing Your Vehicle Making your ride your own is a reflection on you and your uniqueness. Customizing is an exciting and practical way to customize your ride to perfectly suit you. But, the process can be riddled with pitfalls if you're not careful. The...
3 Reasons Wheel Alignment is Crucial for Lifted or Lowered Vehicles
3 Reasons Your Custom Lifted or Lowered Vehicle is Better with the Proper Wheel Alignment. Customizing your vehicle by lifting or lowering it is a awesome way to make your ride stand out and suit your personal style. However, these modifications impact your vehicle's wheel alignment. It is important that...
The Ordinary Truck: A Halloween Horror Story
The Horror of Not Having Your Truck Uniquely Customized Imagine this: You rush out of your house for a fun time to see the Jimmies at the AMVETS Halloween Party on Longneck Road in Millsboro. But, as you reach your driveway, you are greeted by a true horror: The Ordinary...